
Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Post secondary transition plan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Post secondary innovation plan - Term Paper ExampleIn this sense, a post-secondary transition plan is necessary for high teach graduates joining the study sector and those pursuing further studies. In most cases, high school graduates seek employment to find means of becoming self-reliant as they wait to join tertiary education (Miller, OMara., & Getzel, 2009).However, there are others who seek employment because their donnish credentials disqualify them to pursue further education. Life after high school has many challenges and marks a time when individuals should engage in be after on how to improve their living standards. In order to succeed in life, individuals need to aim higher in every endeavor they decide to compress after graduating from high school. In this sense, high school graduates with disability should not look at their disability as the inability and should aim for an interactive and plentiful life after high school. In this regard, an ideal post-secondary tra nsition vista is one that provides career exposure, is interactive, inclusive and adaptable (Lee, Leon, & Young, 2013).After high school life, the post-secondary setting that is ideal whether at the workplace or residential, for instance, college, should expose individuals to saucy learning. This is because post-secondary life presents a period when individuals should learn how to deal with challenges that exist in the outside world. preceding to the completion of high school, life tends to be simple and individuals have access to support networks in case they face challenges. However, life after high school marks a period when individuals are left alone and have to engage in self-discovery. Self-discovery in this sense means learning about the new environment and how to survive. As such, an ideal setting for transition from high school should be in an environment that encourages individuals to discover themselves. In the outside

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